Package lxml :: Package tests :: Module test_external_document
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Source Code for Module lxml.tests.test_external_document

  1  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 
  2  """ 
  3  Test cases related to direct loading of external libxml2 documents 
  4  """ 
  6  from __future__ import absolute_import 
  8  import sys 
  9  import unittest 
 11  from .common_imports import HelperTestCase, etree 
 13  DOC_NAME = b'libxml2:xmlDoc' 
 14  DESTRUCTOR_NAME = b'destructor:xmlFreeDoc' 
17 -class ExternalDocumentTestCase(HelperTestCase):
18 - def setUp(self):
19 try: 20 import ctypes 21 from ctypes import pythonapi 22 from ctypes.util import find_library 23 except ImportError: 24 raise unittest.SkipTest("ctypes support missing") 25 26 def wrap(func, restype, *argtypes): 27 func.restype = restype 28 func.argtypes = list(argtypes) 29 return func
30 31 self.get_capsule_name = wrap(pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetName, 32 ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.py_object) 33 self.capsule_is_valid = wrap(pythonapi.PyCapsule_IsValid, ctypes.c_int, 34 ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_char_p) 35 self.new_capsule = wrap(pythonapi.PyCapsule_New, ctypes.py_object, 36 ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_char_p, 37 ctypes.c_void_p) 38 self.set_capsule_name = wrap(pythonapi.PyCapsule_SetName, ctypes.c_int, 39 ctypes.py_object, ctypes.c_char_p) 40 self.set_capsule_context = wrap(pythonapi.PyCapsule_SetContext, 41 ctypes.c_int, ctypes.py_object, 42 ctypes.c_char_p) 43 self.get_capsule_context = wrap(pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetContext, 44 ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.py_object) 45 self.get_capsule_pointer = wrap(pythonapi.PyCapsule_GetPointer, 46 ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.py_object, 47 ctypes.c_char_p) 48 self.set_capsule_pointer = wrap(pythonapi.PyCapsule_SetPointer, 49 ctypes.c_int, ctypes.py_object, 50 ctypes.c_void_p) 51 self.set_capsule_destructor = wrap(pythonapi.PyCapsule_SetDestructor, 52 ctypes.c_int, ctypes.py_object, 53 ctypes.c_void_p) 54 self.PyCapsule_Destructor = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, ctypes.py_object) 55 libxml2 = ctypes.CDLL(find_library('xml2')) 56 self.create_doc = wrap(libxml2.xmlReadMemory, ctypes.c_void_p, 57 ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p, 58 ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int) 59 self.free_doc = wrap(libxml2.xmlFreeDoc, None, ctypes.c_void_p)
61 - def as_capsule(self, text, capsule_name=DOC_NAME):
62 if not isinstance(text, bytes): 63 text = text.encode('utf-8') 64 doc = self.create_doc(text, len(text), b'base.xml', b'utf-8', 0) 65 ans = self.new_capsule(doc, capsule_name, None) 66 self.set_capsule_context(ans, DESTRUCTOR_NAME) 67 return ans
69 - def test_external_document_adoption(self):
70 xml = '<r a="1">t</r>' 71 self.assertRaises(TypeError, etree.adopt_external_document, None) 72 capsule = self.as_capsule(xml) 73 self.assertTrue(self.capsule_is_valid(capsule, DOC_NAME)) 74 self.assertEqual(DOC_NAME, self.get_capsule_name(capsule)) 75 # Create an lxml tree from the capsule (this is a move not a copy) 76 root = etree.adopt_external_document(capsule).getroot() 77 self.assertIsNone(self.get_capsule_name(capsule)) 78 self.assertEqual(root.text, 't') 79 root.text = 'new text' 80 # Now reset the capsule so we can copy it 81 self.assertEqual(0, self.set_capsule_name(capsule, DOC_NAME)) 82 self.assertEqual(0, self.set_capsule_context(capsule, b'invalid')) 83 # Create an lxml tree from the capsule (this is a copy not a move) 84 root2 = etree.adopt_external_document(capsule).getroot() 85 self.assertEqual(self.get_capsule_context(capsule), b'invalid') 86 # Check that the modification to the tree using the transferred 87 # document was successful 88 self.assertEqual(root.text, root2.text) 89 # Check that further modifications do not show up in the copy (they are 90 # disjoint) 91 root.text = 'other text' 92 self.assertNotEqual(root.text, root2.text) 93 # delete root and ensure root2 survives 94 del root 95 self.assertEqual(root2.text, 'new text')
96 97
98 -def test_suite():
99 suite = unittest.TestSuite() 100 if sys.platform != 'win32': 101 suite.addTests([unittest.makeSuite(ExternalDocumentTestCase)]) 102 return suite
103 104 105 if __name__ == '__main__': 106 print('to test use %s' % __file__) 107