lxml changelog
- ET.write(), tostring() and tounicode() now accept a keyword
argument method that can be one of 'xml' (or None), 'html' or 'text' to
serialise as XML, HTML or plain text content.
- iterfind() method on Elements returns an iterator equivalent to
- itertext() method on Elements
- Setting a QName object as value of the .text property or as an attribute
will resolve its prefix in the respective context
- ElementTree-like parser target interface as described in
- ElementTree-like feed parser interface on XMLParser and HTMLParser
(feed() and close() methods)
- lxml failed to serialise namespace declarations of elements other than the
root node of a tree
- Race condition in XSLT where the resolver context leaked between concurrent
XSLT calls
- element.getiterator() returns a list, use element.iter() to retrieve
an iterator (ElementTree 1.3 compatible behaviour)
- Reimplemented objectify.E for better performance and improved
integration with objectify. Provides extended type support based on
registered PyTypes.
- XSLT objects now support deep copying
- New makeSubElement() C-API function that allows creating a new
subelement straight with text, tail and attributes.
- XPath extension functions can now access the current context node
(context.context_node) and use a context dictionary
(context.eval_context) from the context provided in their first
- HTML tag soup parser based on BeautifulSoup in lxml.html.ElementSoup
- New module lxml.doctestcompare by Ian Bicking for writing simplified
doctests based on XML/HTML output. Use by importing lxml.usedoctest or
lxml.html.usedoctest from within a doctest.
- New module lxml.cssselect by Ian Bicking for selecting Elements with CSS
- New package lxml.html written by Ian Bicking for advanced HTML
- Namespace class setup is now local to the ElementNamespaceClassLookup
instance and no longer global.
- Schematron validation (incomplete in libxml2)
- Additional stringify argument to objectify.PyType() takes a
conversion function to strings to support setting text values from arbitrary
- Entity support through an Entity factory and element classes. XML
parsers now have a resolve_entities keyword argument that can be set to
False to keep entities in the document.
- column field on error log entries to accompany the line field
- Error specific messages in XPath parsing and evaluation
NOTE: for evaluation errors, you will now get an XPathEvalError instead of
an XPathSyntaxError. To catch both, you can except on XPathError
- The regular expression functions in XPath now support passing a node-set
instead of a string
- Extended type annotation in objectify: new xsiannotate() function
- EXSLT RegExp support in standard XPath (not only XSLT)
- lxml.etree did not check tag/attribute names
- The XML parser did not report undefined entities as error
- The text in exceptions raised by XML parsers, validators and XPath
evaluators now reports the first error that occurred instead of the last
- Passing '' as XPath namespace prefix did not raise an error
- Thread safety in XPath evaluators
- objectify.PyType for None is now called "NoneType"
- el.getiterator() renamed to el.iter(), following ElementTree 1.3 -
original name is still available as alias
- In the public C-API, findOrBuildNodeNs() was replaced by the more
generic findOrBuildNodeNsPrefix
- Major refactoring in XPath/XSLT extension function code
- Network access in parsers disabled by default
- The ElementMaker in lxml.builder now accepts the keyword arguments
namespace and nsmap to set a namespace and nsmap for the Elements it
- The docinfo on ElementTree objects has new properties internalDTD
and externalDTD that return a DTD object for the internal or external
subset of the document respectively.
- Serialising an ElementTree now includes any internal DTD subsets that are
part of the document, as well as comments and PIs that are siblings of the
root node.
- Parsing with the no_network option could fail
- lxml now raises a TagNameWarning about tag names containing ':' instead of
an Error as 1.3.3 did. The reason is that a number of projects currently
misuse the previous lack of tag name validation to generate namespace
prefixes without declaring namespaces. Apart from the danger of generating
broken XML this way, it also breaks most of the namespace-aware tools in
XML, including XPath, XSLT and validation. lxml 1.3.x will continue to
support this bug with a Warning, while lxml 2.0 will be strict about
well-formed tag names (not only regarding ':').
- Serialising an Element no longer includes its comment and PI siblings (only
ElementTree serialisation includes them).
- ElementTree compatible parser ETCompatXMLParser strips processing
instructions and comments while parsing XML
- Parsers now support stripping PIs (keyword argument 'remove_pis')
- etree.fromstring() now supports parsing both HTML and XML, depending on
the parser you pass.
- Support base_url keyword argument in HTML() and XML()
- Parsing from Python Unicode strings failed on some platforms
- Element() did not raise an exception on tag names containing ':'
- Element.getiterator(tag) did not accept Comment and
ProcessingInstruction as tags. It also accepts Element now.
- "deallocating None" crash bug
- objectify.DataElement now supports setting values from existing data
elements (not just plain Python types) and reuses defined namespaces etc.
- E-factory support for lxml.objectify (objectify.E)
- Better way to prevent crashes in Element proxy cleanup code
- objectify.DataElement didn't set up None value correctly
- objectify.DataElement didn't check the value against the provided type hints
- Reference-counting bug in Element.attrib.pop()
- Module lxml.pyclasslookup module implements an Element class lookup
scheme that can access the entire tree in read-only mode to help determining
a suitable Element class
- Parsers take a remove_comments keyword argument that skips over comments
- parse() function in objectify, corresponding to XML() etc.
- Element.addnext(el) and Element.addprevious(el) methods to support
adding processing instructions and comments around the root node
- Element.attrib was missing clear() and pop() methods
- Extended type annotation in objectify: cleaner annotation namespace setup
plus new deannotate() function
- Support for custom Element class instantiation in lxml.sax: passing a
makeelement function to the ElementTreeContentHandler will reuse the
lookup context of that function
- '.' represents empty ObjectPath (identity)
- Element.values() to accompany the existing .keys() and .items()
- collectAttributes() C-function to build a list of attribute
keys/values/items for a libxml2 node
- DTD validator class (like RelaxNG and XMLSchema)
- HTML generator helpers by Fredrik Lundh in lxml.htmlbuilder
- ElementMaker XML generator by Fredrik Lundh in lxml.builder.E
- Support for pickeling objectify.ObjectifiedElement objects to XML
- update() method on Element.attrib
- Optimised replacement for libxml2's _xmlReconsiliateNs(). This allows lxml
a better handling of namespaces when moving elements between documents.
- Removing Elements from a tree could make them loose their namespace
- ElementInclude didn't honour base URL of original document
- Replacing the children slice of an Element would cut off the tails of the
original children
- Element.getiterator(tag) did not accept Comment and
ProcessingInstruction as tags
- API functions now check incoming strings for XML conformity. Zero bytes or
low ASCII characters are no longer accepted (AssertionError).
- XSLT parsing failed to pass resolver context on to imported documents
- passing '' as namespace prefix in nsmap could be passed through to libxml2
- Objectify couldn't handle prefixed XSD type names in xsi:type
- More ET compatible behaviour when writing out XML declarations or not
- More robust error handling in iterparse()
- Documents lost their top-level PIs and comments on serialisation
- lxml.sax failed on comments and PIs. Comments are now properly ignored and
PIs are copied.
- Possible memory leaks in namespace handling when moving elements between
- major restructuring in the documentation
- Build fixes for MS compiler
- Item assignments to special names like element["text"] failed
- Renamed ObjectifiedDataElement.__setText() to _setText() to make it easier
to access
- The pattern for attribute names in ObjectPath was too restrictive
- Rich comparison of QName objects
- Support for regular expressions in benchmark selection
- get/set emulation (not .attrib!) for attributes on processing instructions
- ElementInclude Python module for ElementTree compatible XInclude processing
that honours custom resolvers registered with the source document
- ElementTree.parser property holds the parser used to parse the document
- setup.py has been refactored for greater readability and flexibility
- --rpath flag to setup.py to induce automatic linking-in of dynamic library
runtime search paths has been renamed to --auto-rpath. This makes it
possible to pass an --rpath directly to distutils; previously this was being
- Element instantiation now uses locks to prevent race conditions with threads
- ElementTree.write() did not raise an exception when the file was not writable
- Error handling could crash under Python <= 2.4.1 - fixed by disabling thread
support in these environments
- Element.find*() did not accept QName objects as path
- code cleanup: redundant _NodeBase super class merged into _Element class
Note: although the impact should be zero in most cases, this change breaks
the compatibiliy of the public C-API
- Data elements in objectify support repr(), which is now used by dump()
- Source distribution now ships with a patched Pyrex
- New C-API function makeElement() to create new elements with text,
tail, attributes and namespaces
- Reuse original parser flags for XInclude
- Simplified support for handling XSLT processing instructions
- Parser resources were not freed before the next parser run
- Open files and XML strings returned by Python resolvers were not
- Crash in the IDDict returned by XMLDTDID
- Copying Comments and ProcessingInstructions failed
- Memory leak for external URLs in _XSLTProcessingInstruction.parseXSL()
- Memory leak when garbage collecting tailed root elements
- HTML script/style content was not propagated to .text
- Show text xincluded between text nodes correctly in .text and .tail
- 'integer * objectify.StringElement' operation was not supported
- XSLT profiling support (profile_run keyword)
- countchildren() method on objectify.ObjectifiedElement
- Support custom elements for tree nodes in lxml.objectify
- lxml.objectify failed to support long data values (e.g., "123L")
- Error messages from XSLT did not reach XSLT.error_log
- Factories objectify.Element() and objectify.DataElement() were missing
attrib and nsmap keyword arguments
- Changing the default parser in lxml.objectify did not update the factories
Element() and DataElement()
- Let lxml.objectify.Element() always generate tree elements (not data
- Build under Windows failed ('0' bug in patched Pyrex version)
- Comments and processing instructions return '<!-- coment -->' and
'<?pi-target content?>' for repr()
- Parsers are now the preferred (and default) place where element class lookup
schemes should be registered. Namespace lookup is no longer supported by
- Support for Python 2.5 beta
- Unlock the GIL for deep copying documents and for XPath()
- New compact keyword argument for parsing read-only documents
- Support for parser options in iterparse()
- The namespace axis is supported in XPath and returns (prefix, URI)
- The XPath expression "/" now returns an empty list instead of raising an
- XML-Object API on top of lxml (lxml.objectify)
- Customizable Element class lookup:
- different pre-implemented lookup mechanisms
- support for externally provided lookup functions
- Support for processing instructions (ET-like, not compatible)
- Public C-level API for independent extension modules
- Module level iterwalk() function as 'iterparse' for trees
- Module level iterparse() function similar to ElementTree (see
documentation for differences)
- Element.nsmap property returns a mapping of all namespace prefixes known at
the Element to their namespace URI
- Reentrant threading support in RelaxNG, XMLSchema and XSLT
- Threading support in parsers and serializers:
- All in-memory operations (tostring, parse(StringIO), etc.) free the GIL
- File operations (on file names) free the GIL
- Reading from file-like objects frees the GIL and reacquires it for reading
- Serialisation to file-like objects is single-threaded (high lock overhead)
- Element iteration over XPath axes:
- Element.iterdescendants() iterates over the descendants of an element
- Element.iterancestors() iterates over the ancestors of an element (from
parent to parent)
- Element.itersiblings() iterates over either the following or preceding
siblings of an element
- Element.iterchildren() iterates over the children of an element in either
- All iterators support the tag keyword argument to restrict the
generated elements
- Element.getnext() and Element.getprevious() return the direct siblings of an
- filenames with local 8-bit encoding were not supported
- 1.1beta did not compile under Python 2.3
- ignore unknown 'pyval' attribute values in objectify
- objectify.ObjectifiedElement.addattr() failed to accept Elements and Lists
- objectify.ObjectPath.setattr() failed to accept Elements and Lists
- XPathSyntaxError now inherits from XPathError
- Threading race conditions in RelaxNG and XMLSchema
- Crash when mixing elements from XSLT results into other trees, concurrent
XSLT is only allowed when the stylesheet was parsed in the main thread
- The EXSLT regexp:match function now works as defined (except for some
differences in the regular expression syntax)
- Setting element.text to '' returned None on request, not the empty string
- iterparse() could crash on long XML files
- Creating documents no longer copies the parser for later URL resolving. For
performance reasons, only a reference is kept. Resolver updates on the
parser will now be reflected by documents that were parsed before the
change. Although this should rarely become visible, it is a behavioral
change from 1.0.
- List-like Element.extend() method
- Crash in tail handling in Element.replace()
- Element.replace(old, new) method to replace a subelement by another one
- Crash when mixing elements from XSLT results into other trees
- Copying/deepcopying did not work for ElementTree objects
- Setting an attribute to a non-string value did not raise an exception
- Element.remove() deleted the tail text from the removed Element
- Support for setting a custom default Element class as opposed to namespace
specific classes (which still override the default class)
- Rare exceptions in Python list functions were not handled
- Parsing accepted unicode strings with XML encoding declaration in certain
- Parsing 8-bit encoded strings from StringIO objects raised an exception
- Module function initThread() was removed - useless (and never worked)
- XSLT and parser exception messages include the error line number
- Repeated calls to Element.attrib now efficiently return the same instance
- Document deallocation could crash in certain garbage collection scenarios
- Extension function calls in XSLT variable declarations could break the
stylesheet and crash on repeated calls
- Deep copying Elements could loose namespaces declared in parents
- Deep copying Elements did not copy tail
- Parsing file(-like) objects failed to load external entities
- Parsing 8-bit strings from file(-like) objects raised an exception
- xsl:include failed when the stylesheet was parsed from a file-like object
- lxml.sax.ElementTreeProducer did not call startDocument() / endDocument()
- MSVC compiler complained about long strings (supports only 2048 bytes)
- Element.getiterator() and the findall() methods support finding arbitrary
elements from a namespace (pattern {namespace}*)
- Another speedup in tree iteration code
- General speedup of Python Element object creation and deallocation
- Writing C14N no longer serializes in memory (reduced memory footprint)
- PyErrorLog for error logging through the Python logging module
- Element.getroottree() returns an ElementTree for the root node of the
document that contains the element.
- ElementTree.getpath(element) returns a simple, absolute XPath expression to
find the element in the tree structure
- Error logs have a last_error attribute for convenience
- Comment texts can be changed through the API
- Formatted output via pretty_print keyword in serialization functions
- XSLT can block access to file system and network via XSLTAccessControl
- ElementTree.write() no longer serializes in memory (reduced memory
- Speedup of Element.findall(tag) and Element.getiterator(tag)
- Support for writing the XML representation of Elements and ElementTrees to
Python unicode strings via etree.tounicode()
- Support for writing XSLT results to Python unicode strings via unicode()
- Parsing a unicode string no longer copies the string (reduced memory
- Parsing file-like objects reads chunks rather than the whole file (reduced
memory footprint)
- Parsing StringIO objects from the start avoids copying the string (reduced
memory footprint)
- Read-only 'docinfo' attribute in ElementTree class holds DOCTYPE
information, original encoding and XML version as seen by the parser
- etree module can be compiled without libxslt by commenting out the line
include "xslt.pxi" near the end of the etree.pyx source file
- Better error messages in parser exceptions
- Error reporting also works in XSLT
- Support for custom document loaders (URI resolvers) in parsers and XSLT,
resolvers are registered at parser level
- Implementation of exslt:regexp for XSLT based on the Python 're' module,
enabled by default, can be switched off with 'regexp=False' keyword argument
- Support for exslt extensions (libexslt) and libxslt extra functions
(node-set, document, write, output)
- Substantial speedup in XPath.evaluate()
- HTMLParser for parsing (broken) HTML
- XMLDTDID function parses XML into tuple (root node, ID dict) based on xml:id
implementation of libxml2 (as opposed to ET compatible XMLID)
- Memory leak in Element.__setitem__
- Memory leak in Element.attrib.items() and Element.attrib.values()
- Memory leak in XPath extension functions
- Memory leak in unicode related setup code
- Element now raises ValueError on empty tag names
- Namespace fixing after moving elements between documents could fail if the
source document was freed too early
- Setting namespace-less tag names on namespaced elements ('{ns}t' -> 't')
didn't reset the namespace
- Unknown constants from newer libxml2 versions could raise exceptions in the
error handlers
- lxml.etree compiles much faster
- On libxml2 <= 2.6.22, parsing strings with encoding declaration could fail
in certain cases
- Document reference in ElementTree objects was not updated when the root
element was moved to a different document
- Running absolute XPath expressions on an Element now evaluates against the
root tree
- Evaluating absolute XPath expressions (/*) on an ElementTree could fail
- Crashes when calling XSLT, RelaxNG, etc. with uninitialized ElementTree
- Removed public function initThreadLogging(), replaced by more general
initThread() which fixes a number of setup problems in threads
- Memory leak when using iconv encoders in tostring/write
- Deep copying Elements and ElementTrees maintains the document information
- Serialization functions raise LookupError for unknown encodings
- Memory deallocation crash resulting from deep copying elements
- Some ElementTree methods could crash if the root node was not initialized
(neither file nor element passed to the constructor)
- Element/SubElement failed to set attribute namespaces from passed attrib
- tostring() adds an XML declaration for non-ASCII encodings
- tostring() failed to serialize encodings that contain 0-bytes
- ElementTree.xpath() and XPathDocumentEvaluator were not using the
ElementTree root node as reference point
- Calling document('') in XSLT failed to return the stylesheet
- Speedup for Element.makeelement(): the new element reuses the original
libxml2 document instead of creating a new empty one
- Speedup for reversed() iteration over element children (Py2.4+ only)
- ElementTree compatible QName class
- RelaxNG and XMLSchema accept any Element, not only ElementTrees
- str(xslt_result) was broken for XSLT output other than UTF-8
- Memory leak if write_c14n fails to write the file after conversion
- Crash in XMLSchema and RelaxNG when passing non-schema documents
- Memory leak in RelaxNG() when RelaxNGParseError is raised
- lxml.sax.ElementTreeContentHandler checks closing elements and raises
SaxError on mismatch
- lxml.sax.ElementTreeContentHandler supports namespace-less SAX events
(startElement, endElement) and defaults to empty attributes (keyword
- Speedup for repeatedly accessing element tag names
- Minor API performance improvements
- Memory deallocation bug when using XSLT output method "html"
- sax.py was handling UTF-8 encoded tag names where it shouldn't
- lxml.tests package will no longer be installed (is still in source tar)
- Error logging API for libxml2 error messages
- Various performance improvements
- Benchmark script for lxml, ElementTree and cElementTree
- Support for registering extension functions through new FunctionNamespace
class (see doc/extensions.txt)
- ETXPath class for XPath expressions in ElementTree notation ('//{ns}tag')
- Support for variables in XPath expressions (also in XPath class)
- XPath class for compiled XPath expressions
- XMLID module level function (ElementTree compatible)
- XMLParser API for customized libxml2 parser configuration
- Support for custom Element classes through new Namespace API (see
- Common exception base class LxmlError for module exceptions
- real iterator support in iter(Element), Element.getiterator()
- XSLT objects are callable, result trees support str()
- Added MANIFEST.in for easier creation of RPM files.
- 'getparent' method on elements allows navigation to an element's
parent element.
- Python core compatible SAX tree builder and SAX event generator. See
doc/sax.txt for more information.
- Segfaults and memory leaks in various API functions of Element
- Segfault in XSLT.tostring()
- ElementTree objects no longer interfere, Elements can be root of different
ElementTrees at the same time
- document('') works in XSLT documents read from files (in-memory documents
cannot support this due to libxslt deficiencies)
- Support for copy.deepcopy() on elements. copy.copy() works also, but
does the same thing, and does not create a shallow copy, as that
makes no sense in the context of libxml2 trees. This means a
potential incompatibility with ElementTree, but there's more chance
that it works than if copy.copy() isn't supported at all.
- Increased compatibility with (c)ElementTree; .parse() on ElementTree is
supported and parsing of gzipped XML files works.
- implemented index() on elements, allowing one to find the index of a
- Use xslt-config instead of xml2-config to find out libxml2
directories to take into account a case where libxslt is installed
in a different directory than libxslt.
- Eliminate crash condition in iteration when text nodes are changed.
- Passing 'None' to tostring() does not result in a segfault anymore,
but an AssertionError.
- Some test fixes for Windows.
- Raise XMLSyntaxError and XPathSyntaxError instead of plain python
syntax errors. This should be less confusing.
- Fixed error with uncaught exception in Pyrex code.
- Calling lxml.etree.fromstring('') throws XMLSyntaxError instead of a
- has_key() works on attrib. 'in' tests also work correctly on attrib.
- INSTALL.txt was saying 2.2.16 instead of 2.6.16 as a supported
libxml2 version, as it should.
- Passing a UTF-8 encoded string to the XML() function would fail;
- parameters (XPath expressions) can be passed to XSLT using keyword
- Simple XInclude support. Calling the xinclude() method on a tree
will process any XInclude statements in the document.
- XMLSchema support. Use the XMLSchema class or the convenience
xmlschema() method on a tree to do XML Schema (XSD) validation.
- Added convenience xslt() method on tree. This is less efficient
than the XSLT object, but makes it easier to write quick code.
- Added convenience relaxng() method on tree. This is less efficient
than the RelaxNG object, but makes it easier to write quick code.
- Make it possible to use XPathEvaluator with elements as well. The
XPathEvaluator in this case will retain the element so multiple
XPath queries can be made against one element efficiently. This
replaces the second argument to the .evaluate() method that existed
- Allow registerNamespace() to be called on an XPathEvaluator, after
creation, to add additional namespaces. Also allow registerNamespaces(),
which does the same for a namespace dictionary.
- Add 'prefix' attribute to element to be able to read prefix information.
This is entirely read-only.
- It is possible to supply an extra nsmap keyword parameter to
the Element() and SubElement() constructors, which supplies a
prefix to namespace URI mapping. This will create namespace
prefix declarations on these elements and these prefixes will show up
in XML serialization.
- Killed yet another memory management related bug: trees created
using newDoc would not get a libxml2-level dictionary, which caused
problems when deallocating these documents later if they contained a
node that came from a document with a dictionary.
- Moving namespaced elements between documents was problematic as
references to the original document would remain. This has been fixed
by applying xmlReconciliateNs() after each move operation.
- Can pass None to 'dump()' without segfaults.
- tostring() works properly for non-root elements as well.
- Cleaned out the tostring() method so it should handle encoding
- Cleaned out the ElementTree.write() method so it should handle encoding
correctly. Writing directly to a file should also be faster, as there is no
need to go through a Python string in that case. Made sure the test cases
test both serializing to StringIO as well as serializing to a real file.
- Changed setup.py so that library_dirs is also guessed. This should
help with compilation on the Mac OS X platform, where otherwise the
wrong library (shipping with the OS) could be picked up.
- Tweaked setup.py so that it picks up the version from version.txt.
- Do the right thing when handling namespaced attributes.
- fix bug where tostring() moved nodes into new documents. tostring()
had very nasty side-effects before this fix, sorry!
- Python 2.2 compatibility fixes.
- unicode fixes in Element() and Comment() as well as XML(); unicode
input wasn't properly being UTF-8 encoded.