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object --+ | ??._BaseParser --+ | _FeedParser --+ | XMLParser
XMLParser(self, encoding=None, attribute_defaults=False, dtd_validation=False, load_dtd=False, no_network=True, ns_clean=False, recover=False, XMLSchema schema=None, remove_blank_text=False, resolve_entities=True, remove_comments=False, remove_pis=False, strip_cdata=True, target=None, compact=True)
The XML parser.
Parsers can be supplied as additional argument to various parse functions of the lxml API. A default parser is always available and can be replaced by a call to the global function 'set_default_parser'. New parsers can be created at any time without a major run-time overhead.
The keyword arguments in the constructor are mainly based on the libxml2 parser configuration. A DTD will also be loaded if DTD validation or attribute default values are requested (unless you additionally provide an XMLSchema from which the default attributes can be read).
Available boolean keyword arguments:
attribute_defaults - inject default attributes from DTD or XMLSchema
dtd_validation - validate against a DTD referenced by the document
load_dtd - use DTD for parsing
no_network - prevent network access for related files (default: True)
ns_clean - clean up redundant namespace declarations
recover - try hard to parse through broken XML
remove_blank_text - discard blank text nodes
remove_comments - discard comments
remove_pis - discard processing instructions
strip_cdata - replace CDATA sections by normal text content (default: True)
compact - safe memory for short text content (default: True)
resolve_entities - replace entities by their text value (default: True)
and very long text content (only affects libxml2 2.7+)
Other keyword arguments:
Note that you should avoid sharing parsers between threads. While this is not harmful, it is more efficient to use separate parsers. This does not apply to the default parser.
a new object with type S, a subtype of T |
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