Package lxml :: Module doctestcompare
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Source Code for Module lxml.doctestcompare

  1  """ 
  2  lxml-based doctest output comparison. 
  4  Note: normally, you should just import the `lxml.usedoctest` and 
  5  `lxml.html.usedoctest` modules from within a doctest, instead of this 
  6  one:: 
  8      >>> import lxml.usedoctest # for XML output 
 10      >>> import lxml.html.usedoctest # for HTML output 
 12  To use this module directly, you must call ``lxmldoctest.install()``, 
 13  which will cause doctest to use this in all subsequent calls. 
 15  This changes the way output is checked and comparisons are made for 
 16  XML or HTML-like content. 
 18  XML or HTML content is noticed because the example starts with ``<`` 
 19  (it's HTML if it starts with ``<html``).  You can also use the 
 20  ``PARSE_HTML`` and ``PARSE_XML`` flags to force parsing. 
 22  Some rough wildcard-like things are allowed.  Whitespace is generally 
 23  ignored (except in attributes).  In text (attributes and text in the 
 24  body) you can use ``...`` as a wildcard.  In an example it also 
 25  matches any trailing tags in the element, though it does not match 
 26  leading tags.  You may create a tag ``<any>`` or include an ``any`` 
 27  attribute in the tag.  An ``any`` tag matches any tag, while the 
 28  attribute matches any and all attributes. 
 30  When a match fails, the reformatted example and gotten text is 
 31  displayed (indented), and a rough diff-like output is given.  Anything 
 32  marked with ``+`` is in the output but wasn't supposed to be, and 
 33  similarly ``-`` means its in the example but wasn't in the output. 
 35  You can disable parsing on one line with ``# doctest:+NOPARSE_MARKUP`` 
 36  """ 
 38  from lxml import etree 
 39  import sys 
 40  import re 
 41  import doctest 
 42  try: 
 43      from html import escape as html_escape 
 44  except ImportError: 
 45      from cgi import escape as html_escape 
 47  __all__ = ['PARSE_HTML', 'PARSE_XML', 'NOPARSE_MARKUP', 'LXMLOutputChecker', 
 48             'LHTMLOutputChecker', 'install', 'temp_install'] 
 50  try: 
 51      _basestring = basestring 
 52  except NameError: 
 53      _basestring = (str, bytes) 
 55  _IS_PYTHON_3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 
 57  PARSE_HTML = doctest.register_optionflag('PARSE_HTML') 
 58  PARSE_XML = doctest.register_optionflag('PARSE_XML') 
 59  NOPARSE_MARKUP = doctest.register_optionflag('NOPARSE_MARKUP') 
 61  OutputChecker = doctest.OutputChecker 
63 -def strip(v):
64 if v is None: 65 return None 66 else: 67 return v.strip()
69 -def norm_whitespace(v):
70 return _norm_whitespace_re.sub(' ', v)
71 72 _html_parser = etree.HTMLParser(recover=False, remove_blank_text=True) 73
74 -def html_fromstring(html):
75 return etree.fromstring(html, _html_parser)
76 77 # We use this to distinguish repr()s from elements: 78 _repr_re = re.compile(r'^<[^>]+ (at|object) ') 79 _norm_whitespace_re = re.compile(r'[ \t\n][ \t\n]+') 80
81 -class LXMLOutputChecker(OutputChecker):
82 83 empty_tags = ( 84 'param', 'img', 'area', 'br', 'basefont', 'input', 85 'base', 'meta', 'link', 'col') 86
87 - def get_default_parser(self):
88 return etree.XML
90 - def check_output(self, want, got, optionflags):
91 alt_self = getattr(self, '_temp_override_self', None) 92 if alt_self is not None: 93 super_method = self._temp_call_super_check_output 94 self = alt_self 95 else: 96 super_method = OutputChecker.check_output 97 parser = self.get_parser(want, got, optionflags) 98 if not parser: 99 return super_method( 100 self, want, got, optionflags) 101 try: 102 want_doc = parser(want) 103 except etree.XMLSyntaxError: 104 return False 105 try: 106 got_doc = parser(got) 107 except etree.XMLSyntaxError: 108 return False 109 return self.compare_docs(want_doc, got_doc)
111 - def get_parser(self, want, got, optionflags):
112 parser = None 113 if NOPARSE_MARKUP & optionflags: 114 return None 115 if PARSE_HTML & optionflags: 116 parser = html_fromstring 117 elif PARSE_XML & optionflags: 118 parser = etree.XML 119 elif (want.strip().lower().startswith('<html') 120 and got.strip().startswith('<html')): 121 parser = html_fromstring 122 elif (self._looks_like_markup(want) 123 and self._looks_like_markup(got)): 124 parser = self.get_default_parser() 125 return parser
127 - def _looks_like_markup(self, s):
128 s = s.strip() 129 return (s.startswith('<') 130 and not
132 - def compare_docs(self, want, got):
133 if not self.tag_compare(want.tag, got.tag): 134 return False 135 if not self.text_compare(want.text, got.text, True): 136 return False 137 if not self.text_compare(want.tail, got.tail, True): 138 return False 139 if 'any' not in want.attrib: 140 want_keys = sorted(want.attrib.keys()) 141 got_keys = sorted(got.attrib.keys()) 142 if want_keys != got_keys: 143 return False 144 for key in want_keys: 145 if not self.text_compare(want.attrib[key], got.attrib[key], False): 146 return False 147 if want.text != '...' or len(want): 148 want_children = list(want) 149 got_children = list(got) 150 while want_children or got_children: 151 if not want_children or not got_children: 152 return False 153 want_first = want_children.pop(0) 154 got_first = got_children.pop(0) 155 if not self.compare_docs(want_first, got_first): 156 return False 157 if not got_children and want_first.tail == '...': 158 break 159 return True
161 - def text_compare(self, want, got, strip):
162 want = want or '' 163 got = got or '' 164 if strip: 165 want = norm_whitespace(want).strip() 166 got = norm_whitespace(got).strip() 167 want = '^%s$' % re.escape(want) 168 want = want.replace(r'\.\.\.', '.*') 169 if, got): 170 return True 171 else: 172 return False
174 - def tag_compare(self, want, got):
175 if want == 'any': 176 return True 177 if (not isinstance(want, _basestring) 178 or not isinstance(got, _basestring)): 179 return want == got 180 want = want or '' 181 got = got or '' 182 if want.startswith('{...}'): 183 # Ellipsis on the namespace 184 return want.split('}')[-1] == got.split('}')[-1] 185 else: 186 return want == got
188 - def output_difference(self, example, got, optionflags):
189 want = example.want 190 parser = self.get_parser(want, got, optionflags) 191 errors = [] 192 if parser is not None: 193 try: 194 want_doc = parser(want) 195 except etree.XMLSyntaxError: 196 e = sys.exc_info()[1] 197 errors.append('In example: %s' % e) 198 try: 199 got_doc = parser(got) 200 except etree.XMLSyntaxError: 201 e = sys.exc_info()[1] 202 errors.append('In actual output: %s' % e) 203 if parser is None or errors: 204 value = OutputChecker.output_difference( 205 self, example, got, optionflags) 206 if errors: 207 errors.append(value) 208 return '\n'.join(errors) 209 else: 210 return value 211 html = parser is html_fromstring 212 diff_parts = ['Expected:', 213 self.format_doc(want_doc, html, 2), 214 'Got:', 215 self.format_doc(got_doc, html, 2), 216 'Diff:', 217 self.collect_diff(want_doc, got_doc, html, 2)] 218 return '\n'.join(diff_parts)
220 - def html_empty_tag(self, el, html=True):
221 if not html: 222 return False 223 if el.tag not in self.empty_tags: 224 return False 225 if el.text or len(el): 226 # This shouldn't happen (contents in an empty tag) 227 return False 228 return True
230 - def format_doc(self, doc, html, indent, prefix=''):
231 parts = [] 232 if not len(doc): 233 # No children... 234 parts.append(' '*indent) 235 parts.append(prefix) 236 parts.append(self.format_tag(doc)) 237 if not self.html_empty_tag(doc, html): 238 if strip(doc.text): 239 parts.append(self.format_text(doc.text)) 240 parts.append(self.format_end_tag(doc)) 241 if strip(doc.tail): 242 parts.append(self.format_text(doc.tail)) 243 parts.append('\n') 244 return ''.join(parts) 245 parts.append(' '*indent) 246 parts.append(prefix) 247 parts.append(self.format_tag(doc)) 248 if not self.html_empty_tag(doc, html): 249 parts.append('\n') 250 if strip(doc.text): 251 parts.append(' '*indent) 252 parts.append(self.format_text(doc.text)) 253 parts.append('\n') 254 for el in doc: 255 parts.append(self.format_doc(el, html, indent+2)) 256 parts.append(' '*indent) 257 parts.append(self.format_end_tag(doc)) 258 parts.append('\n') 259 if strip(doc.tail): 260 parts.append(' '*indent) 261 parts.append(self.format_text(doc.tail)) 262 parts.append('\n') 263 return ''.join(parts)
265 - def format_text(self, text, strip=True):
266 if text is None: 267 return '' 268 if strip: 269 text = text.strip() 270 return html_escape(text, 1)
272 - def format_tag(self, el):
273 attrs = [] 274 if isinstance(el, etree.CommentBase): 275 # FIXME: probably PIs should be handled specially too? 276 return '<!--' 277 for name, value in sorted(el.attrib.items()): 278 attrs.append('%s="%s"' % (name, self.format_text(value, False))) 279 if not attrs: 280 return '<%s>' % el.tag 281 return '<%s %s>' % (el.tag, ' '.join(attrs))
283 - def format_end_tag(self, el):
284 if isinstance(el, etree.CommentBase): 285 # FIXME: probably PIs should be handled specially too? 286 return '-->' 287 return '</%s>' % el.tag
289 - def collect_diff(self, want, got, html, indent):
290 parts = [] 291 if not len(want) and not len(got): 292 parts.append(' '*indent) 293 parts.append(self.collect_diff_tag(want, got)) 294 if not self.html_empty_tag(got, html): 295 parts.append(self.collect_diff_text(want.text, got.text)) 296 parts.append(self.collect_diff_end_tag(want, got)) 297 parts.append(self.collect_diff_text(want.tail, got.tail)) 298 parts.append('\n') 299 return ''.join(parts) 300 parts.append(' '*indent) 301 parts.append(self.collect_diff_tag(want, got)) 302 parts.append('\n') 303 if strip(want.text) or strip(got.text): 304 parts.append(' '*indent) 305 parts.append(self.collect_diff_text(want.text, got.text)) 306 parts.append('\n') 307 want_children = list(want) 308 got_children = list(got) 309 while want_children or got_children: 310 if not want_children: 311 parts.append(self.format_doc(got_children.pop(0), html, indent+2, '+')) 312 continue 313 if not got_children: 314 parts.append(self.format_doc(want_children.pop(0), html, indent+2, '-')) 315 continue 316 parts.append(self.collect_diff( 317 want_children.pop(0), got_children.pop(0), html, indent+2)) 318 parts.append(' '*indent) 319 parts.append(self.collect_diff_end_tag(want, got)) 320 parts.append('\n') 321 if strip(want.tail) or strip(got.tail): 322 parts.append(' '*indent) 323 parts.append(self.collect_diff_text(want.tail, got.tail)) 324 parts.append('\n') 325 return ''.join(parts)
327 - def collect_diff_tag(self, want, got):
328 if not self.tag_compare(want.tag, got.tag): 329 tag = '%s (got: %s)' % (want.tag, got.tag) 330 else: 331 tag = got.tag 332 attrs = [] 333 any = want.tag == 'any' or 'any' in want.attrib 334 for name, value in sorted(got.attrib.items()): 335 if name not in want.attrib and not any: 336 attrs.append('+%s="%s"' % (name, self.format_text(value, False))) 337 else: 338 if name in want.attrib: 339 text = self.collect_diff_text(want.attrib[name], value, False) 340 else: 341 text = self.format_text(value, False) 342 attrs.append('%s="%s"' % (name, text)) 343 if not any: 344 for name, value in sorted(want.attrib.items()): 345 if name in got.attrib: 346 continue 347 attrs.append('-%s="%s"' % (name, self.format_text(value, False))) 348 if attrs: 349 tag = '<%s %s>' % (tag, ' '.join(attrs)) 350 else: 351 tag = '<%s>' % tag 352 return tag
354 - def collect_diff_end_tag(self, want, got):
355 if want.tag != got.tag: 356 tag = '%s (got: %s)' % (want.tag, got.tag) 357 else: 358 tag = got.tag 359 return '</%s>' % tag
361 - def collect_diff_text(self, want, got, strip=True):
362 if self.text_compare(want, got, strip): 363 if not got: 364 return '' 365 return self.format_text(got, strip) 366 text = '%s (got: %s)' % (want, got) 367 return self.format_text(text, strip)
369 -class LHTMLOutputChecker(LXMLOutputChecker):
370 - def get_default_parser(self):
371 return html_fromstring
373 -def install(html=False):
374 """ 375 Install doctestcompare for all future doctests. 376 377 If html is true, then by default the HTML parser will be used; 378 otherwise the XML parser is used. 379 """ 380 if html: 381 doctest.OutputChecker = LHTMLOutputChecker 382 else: 383 doctest.OutputChecker = LXMLOutputChecker
385 -def temp_install(html=False, del_module=None):
386 """ 387 Use this *inside* a doctest to enable this checker for this 388 doctest only. 389 390 If html is true, then by default the HTML parser will be used; 391 otherwise the XML parser is used. 392 """ 393 if html: 394 Checker = LHTMLOutputChecker 395 else: 396 Checker = LXMLOutputChecker 397 frame = _find_doctest_frame() 398 dt_self = frame.f_locals['self'] 399 checker = Checker() 400 old_checker = dt_self._checker 401 dt_self._checker = checker 402 # The unfortunate thing is that there is a local variable 'check' 403 # in the function that runs the doctests, that is a bound method 404 # into the output checker. We have to update that. We can't 405 # modify the frame, so we have to modify the object in place. The 406 # only way to do this is to actually change the func_code 407 # attribute of the method. We change it, and then wait for 408 # __record_outcome to be run, which signals the end of the __run 409 # method, at which point we restore the previous check_output 410 # implementation. 411 if _IS_PYTHON_3: 412 check_func = frame.f_locals['check'].__func__ 413 checker_check_func = checker.check_output.__func__ 414 else: 415 check_func = frame.f_locals['check'].im_func 416 checker_check_func = checker.check_output.im_func 417 # Because we can't patch up func_globals, this is the only global 418 # in check_output that we care about: 419 doctest.etree = etree 420 _RestoreChecker(dt_self, old_checker, checker, 421 check_func, checker_check_func, 422 del_module)
424 -class _RestoreChecker(object):
425 - def __init__(self, dt_self, old_checker, new_checker, check_func, clone_func, 426 del_module):
427 self.dt_self = dt_self 428 self.checker = old_checker 429 self.checker._temp_call_super_check_output = self.call_super 430 self.checker._temp_override_self = new_checker 431 self.check_func = check_func 432 self.clone_func = clone_func 433 self.del_module = del_module 434 self.install_clone() 435 self.install_dt_self()
436 - def install_clone(self):
437 if _IS_PYTHON_3: 438 self.func_code = self.check_func.__code__ 439 self.func_globals = self.check_func.__globals__ 440 self.check_func.__code__ = self.clone_func.__code__ 441 else: 442 self.func_code = self.check_func.func_code 443 self.func_globals = self.check_func.func_globals 444 self.check_func.func_code = self.clone_func.func_code
445 - def uninstall_clone(self):
446 if _IS_PYTHON_3: 447 self.check_func.__code__ = self.func_code 448 else: 449 self.check_func.func_code = self.func_code
450 - def install_dt_self(self):
451 self.prev_func = self.dt_self._DocTestRunner__record_outcome 452 self.dt_self._DocTestRunner__record_outcome = self
453 - def uninstall_dt_self(self):
454 self.dt_self._DocTestRunner__record_outcome = self.prev_func
455 - def uninstall_module(self):
456 if self.del_module: 457 import sys 458 del sys.modules[self.del_module] 459 if '.' in self.del_module: 460 package, module = self.del_module.rsplit('.', 1) 461 package_mod = sys.modules[package] 462 delattr(package_mod, module)
463 - def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
464 self.uninstall_clone() 465 self.uninstall_dt_self() 466 del self.checker._temp_override_self 467 del self.checker._temp_call_super_check_output 468 result = self.prev_func(*args, **kw) 469 self.uninstall_module() 470 return result
471 - def call_super(self, *args, **kw):
472 self.uninstall_clone() 473 try: 474 return self.check_func(*args, **kw) 475 finally: 476 self.install_clone()
478 -def _find_doctest_frame():
479 import sys 480 frame = sys._getframe(1) 481 while frame: 482 l = frame.f_locals 483 if 'BOOM' in l: 484 # Sign of doctest 485 return frame 486 frame = frame.f_back 487 raise LookupError( 488 "Could not find doctest (only use this function *inside* a doctest)")
489 490 __test__ = { 491 'basic': ''' 492 >>> temp_install() 493 >>> print """<xml a="1" b="2">stuff</xml>""" 494 <xml b="2" a="1">...</xml> 495 >>> print """<xml xmlns=""><tag attr="bar" /></xml>""" 496 <xml xmlns="..."> 497 <tag attr="..." /> 498 </xml> 499 >>> print """<xml>blahblahblah<foo /></xml>""" # doctest: +NOPARSE_MARKUP, +ELLIPSIS 500 <xml> /></xml> 501 '''} 502 503 if __name__ == '__main__': 504 import doctest 505 doctest.testmod() 506