Package lxml :: Package html :: Class HtmlMixin
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Class HtmlMixin

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object --+
Known Subclasses:

Instance Methods [hide private]
Get or set any <label> element associated with this element.
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_label__set(self, label) source code
_label__del(self) source code
Removes this element from the tree, including its children and text. The tail text is joined to the previous element or parent.
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Remove the tag, but not its children or text. The children and text are merged into the parent.
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find_rel_links(self, rel)
Find any links like <a rel="{rel}">...</a>; returns a list of elements.
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find_class(self, class_name)
Find any elements with the given class name.
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get_element_by_id(self, id, *default)
Get the first element in a document with the given id. If none is found, return the default argument if provided or raise KeyError otherwise.
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Return the text content of the tag (and the text in any children).
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cssselect(self, expr)
Run the CSS expression on this element and its children, returning a list of the results.
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make_links_absolute(self, base_url=None, resolve_base_href=True)
Make all links in the document absolute, given the base_url for the document (the full URL where the document came from), or if no base_url is given, then the .base_url of the document.
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Find any <base href> tag in the document, and apply its values to all links found in the document. Also remove the tag once it has been applied.
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Yield (element, attribute, link, pos), where attribute may be None (indicating the link is in the text). pos is the position where the link occurs; often 0, but sometimes something else in the case of links in stylesheets or style tags.
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rewrite_links(self, link_repl_func, resolve_base_href=True, base_href=None)
Rewrite all the links in the document. For each link link_repl_func(link) will be called, and the return value will replace the old link.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]
Returns the base URL, given when the page was parsed.
Return a list of all the forms
Return the <body> element. Can be called from a child element to get the document's head.
Returns the <head> element. Can be called from a child element to get the document's head.
Get or set any <label> element associated with this element.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Remove the tag, but not its children or text. The children and text are merged into the parent.


>>> h = fragment_fromstring('<div>Hello <b>World!</b></div>')
>>> h.find('.//b').drop_tag()
>>> print(tostring(h, encoding=unicode))
<div>Hello World!</div>

get_element_by_id(self, id, *default)

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Get the first element in a document with the given id. If none is found, return the default argument if provided or raise KeyError otherwise.

Note that there can be more than one element with the same id, and this isn't uncommon in HTML documents found in the wild. Browsers return only the first match, and this function does the same.

cssselect(self, expr)

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Run the CSS expression on this element and its children, returning a list of the results.

Equivalent to lxml.cssselect.CSSSelect(expr)(self) -- note that pre-compiling the expression can provide a substantial speedup.

make_links_absolute(self, base_url=None, resolve_base_href=True)

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Make all links in the document absolute, given the base_url for the document (the full URL where the document came from), or if no base_url is given, then the .base_url of the document.

If resolve_base_href is true, then any <base href> tags in the document are used and removed from the document. If it is false then any such tag is ignored.


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Yield (element, attribute, link, pos), where attribute may be None (indicating the link is in the text). pos is the position where the link occurs; often 0, but sometimes something else in the case of links in stylesheets or style tags.

Note: <base href> is not taken into account in any way. The link you get is exactly the link in the document.

rewrite_links(self, link_repl_func, resolve_base_href=True, base_href=None)

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Rewrite all the links in the document. For each link link_repl_func(link) will be called, and the return value will replace the old link.

Note that links may not be absolute (unless you first called make_links_absolute()), and may be internal (e.g., '#anchor'). They can also be values like 'mailto:email' or 'javascript:expr'.

If you give base_href then all links passed to link_repl_func() will take that into account.

If the link_repl_func returns None, the attribute or tag text will be removed completely.

Property Details [hide private]


Returns the base URL, given when the page was parsed.

Use with urlparse.urljoin(el.base_url, href) to get absolute URLs.

Get Method:
unreachable.base_url(self) - Returns the base URL, given when the page was parsed.


Return a list of all the forms
Get Method:
unreachable.forms(self) - Return a list of all the forms


Return the <body> element. Can be called from a child element to get the document's head.
Get Method:
unreachable.body(self) - Return the <body> element. Can be called from a child element to get the document's head.


Returns the <head> element. Can be called from a child element to get the document's head.
Get Method:
unreachable.head(self) - Returns the <head> element. Can be called from a child element to get the document's head.


Get or set any <label> element associated with this element.
Get Method:
_label__get(self) - Get or set any <label> element associated with this element.
Set Method:
_label__set(self, label)
Delete Method: